#UnlockEducation is such a cool project!
A series of episodes that explain complex topics related to the Green world quickly and easily. When they asked us to take care of all the graphics and create the animated contributions, what could we have answered if not: Hell yeah !!

In this project animation, motion and filming are integrated to explain important concepts for the future and the health of our planet.

One of the aspects that most excited us about the project was the possibility of working on small animations, often with a comic vein, with a flat style and a super pop palette in which super saturated fuchsia and very acid green coexist to have a very modern visual result and impact.

For the creation of the inserts, we started with the footage made by the guys from The Astronauts and, working with them, we designed the material to be included in each episode. The inserts had to underline important concepts, often integrating perfectly with the shooting, so we resorted to the secret weapon: Camera Tracking !!